Monday, November 15, 2010

Another Month of Waiting

Well it's been over a month since I've posted so I figured I should, even though nothing worth mentioning has happened. We are now working with 2 agencies, CFS in Kansas City and Bethany Christian Services in LR. We are completely done with everything for CFS, and are just waiting for a birthmother to come along and pick us. For Bethany we have gotten most of the paper work turned in (we were able to use most of what we already had), but there were a few things they required that CFS didn't, and apparently since our background checks expire in February, we have to get those updated. We are definitely going to be the most well-researched and squeaky clean parents ever...we had to get credit checks done as well for Bethany. I do think it's a little unfair that criminals or people with terrible credit can have as many babies as they want with no one checking on them...but we have to have every single aspect of our lives scrutinized. Unfortunately there isn't much we can do about that if we want a child.
Well I'm going to stop right there because I'm about to get just isn't fair and I have no control over it, and those are hard things to accept. I'm just ready to be a mom.

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