Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Days of School

Well I had my first two days of school with kids this past week. Even though some people think going to school for two days is pointless, I really enjoy it. I always forget how much the kids and the schedule wears me out, and I always start losing my voice, so having a weekend so soon after school starts gives me time to recuperate.

I am really enjoying my classes so far, and I love going to school knowing exactly what classes I will be opposed to my last job where I had new subjects or grades almost every year. The only problems I have had so far were kindergartners who had to go to the bathroom constantly, and didn't really know how to act in school. I can't expect too much from them the first 2 days though.

School starting is kinda stressing me out as far as baby stuff goes though. September will have been 9 months since we officially decided to start this process, so that's kinda depressing, because if I had been able to get pregnant I would have had a baby by then. Also, school starting causes a whole other set of problems with this adoption stuff. If we knew exactly when our baby was coming and had had 9 months to prepare, then I could have rearranged my programs to fit around my maternity leave. As it is, we don't know how much time we have before our baby comes, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do if we get the call right in the middle of preparing for a program. And our auditorium is so booked that I couldn't even reschedule them. I know my principal would understand, but it wouldn't be fair to my students. On top of that, since we have no idea when its going to be, we can't make any childcare arrangements. I really don't want to leave my child with strangers, but I do want to make sure we have somewhere to take him or her. So many places require waiting for months on a waiting list though, so I'm not sure what to do.

I know that God has a plan and his timing is perfect, but I just want to know what I need to be doing to prepare. Please pray I figure out what God wants me to do.

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