Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disappointment and discouragement

Well we had another birthmother overlook us. That now makes 4 that we know about, and one of our agencies doesn't always tell us when they have a birthmother. Just to recap:

19 months since we began fertility treatments
14 months since we officially decided to adopt
13 months since our first adoption meeting
8 months since we were officially approved to adopt
7 months since BM #1 turned us down
Somewhere in here were 2 more birthmothers who didn't choose us
2 months since we were officially approved with Bethany
3 weeks since we had to choose not to be presented to a BM due to health issues
2 days since the BM #4 turned us down

So...all that to say it's getting very hard not to get discouraged. Imagine how you would feel if you were picked last every time you were playing a game. It would start making you feel pretty bad about yourself wouldn't it? Now imagine not being picked at all. MULTIPLE TIMES. That's where I am. And I don't even know why we aren't being chosen. I suppose it doesn't really matter though since there isn't anything we can do about it.
Sorry for the downer post, but it was kind of a downer day.

1 comment:

laura jo said...

Sweet, sweet Mandy,

I look forward to reading about your journey every time I open my google reader. Thank you for being so honest. I watched your adoption video this weekend and LOVED it. My prayer continues to be that the right birthmother will come along.