Saturday, February 13, 2010

We're back

Well me made it back from Kansas City, and overall I think we had a successful trip. I guess if you want to get specific we didn't really go to Kansas City, we went to Overland Park, Kansas which is a suburb or Kansas City. Here are some good things that happened. We got to spend time with our friends Jon and Amber who live in Fayetteville. I hadn't even realized that Fayetteville was on the way to Kansas City until Amber pointed it out, but we really appreciated them for letting us stay there. Thanks to a Red Lobster gift card we had gotten from my parents, we ate lunch at Red Lobster before going to the adoption agency. Yum! We got a lot of good information from the adoption agency, got a lot of questions answered, and are one step further in our process.

However, as successful at the trip was, Nate and I both got very overwhelmed at the meeting when we found out everything we would have to get finished before we could even be considered by a birthmother. Here is the LONG list we have to complete, in no particular order. Keep checking back, I will be crossing things off as we get them completed.

-fill out the application for adoption including 5 references
-Get Affidavits notarized
-contact a social worker about a home study
-get fingerprinted for a criminal background check
-get child maltreatment forms notarized and submitted
-get a physical done
-get a TB test done
-Write a Letter to Birthparents
-Write an autobiography about each of our backgrounds
-Create SIX-TEN copies of a photo booklet (the book is just about completed, but I didn't know we would have to have so many copies of it!)
-Fill out a Profile of the Adoptive Family
-Read Dear Birthmother and fill out a book report on it
-Read The Open Adoption Experience and fill out a book report on it
-Read another book about adoption and fill out a book report on it
-Fill out a questionnaire about our preferred level of openness
-Fill out a profile of the child we would consider adopting
-Fill out a budget
-Get our bank to fill out a reference letter
-Fill out a financial statement
-Copy our driver's licenses, social security cards, and birth certificates

Pray this doesn't get too overwhelming, and we are able to complete all these steps quickly.


Trisha said...

Please let us help with whatever we can! I will do the book reports for you, unless that's against the rules. Glad you're back safe!

TrueToddlerTales said...

Wow... that's a big list! But at least you have a concrete plan to follow. That alone is probably a weight lifted. Praying for you (and waiting to run out of coffee so I can order some for Brian from your site!)

Rachel said...

Wow, what a list! We would love to help in any way we can. Glad you got some questions answered!