Friday, February 26, 2010

X-ray update

Well I went to the doctor today to get my x-ray done. I was amazed at how fast they were able to get the x-ray done, and the doctor was able to view it within 5 minutes as well. He's not a "chest x-ray reader" doctor so I still have to take the x-ray to the health dept, but he looked at it and said he didn't see anything suspicious on it. That definitely made me feel better though, that he didn't see anything on my x-ray. I still don't understand why I have to go through the health dept, but he said as well that even if he had sent the x-ray to another doctor to read, I still would have ended up going to the health dept anyway. He did say though, that if the health dept doctor thought he saw something, I should come back and have him send the x-ray to someone else to get a second opinion. So that made me feel a little better about the whole thing. He also said I should contact the health dept and find out what their protocol was for positive tb reactions, so I could be prepared in case they were going to make me take the 9 months of medicine whether or not my x-ray was negative. I called the health dept and the lady really did NOT want to give me a straight answer. She just kept saying that the doctor would have to read the x-ray, and it would depend on whatever he said. However, I finally got out of her that they couldn't make me take the medicine unless there was something suspicious on my x-ray. I'm not sure what I would do if the "recommended" I take the medicine but I didn't have to. I think it would probably depend on how the medicine would effect me and what the chances were that I could have problems later if I didn't take it. Pray that the health dept thinks my x-ray is negative as well, and they don't see any need for me to take medicine.

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