Monday, February 8, 2010


We still have 2 weeks until our orientation meeting, and I feel like I have been waiting forever for this to come. I can't even imagine what's going to happen in a few months once we have completed the paperwork, completed the home study, and are just waiting to be "chosen" by birth parents. At least when I have things I have to get done I can feel like I am moving forward and accomplishing something, but right now I feel like we should be a lot farther along than we are, there is nothing I can do about it, and that is really frustrating. How do you make it through months and months of wondering if birth parents will ever think you are "good enough" to be the parents of their child? Pray God settles my soul and provides me with outlets to keep my mind off the waiting and keep me feeling like we are moving forward.

And now for something completely different. The snow gods apparently didn't bother to check with me and see what I thought about them sending 6 inches of snow and closing my school for at least 2 days. Normally I wouldn't mind except Conway has this weird policy where they don't have any built in snow days, we just add on days at the end of the now we are already into June. More importantly, my 3rd and 4th grade program is scheduled for this Thursday, and we were supposed to have 2 long rehearsals today and tomorrow, and then practice in the auditorium Wednesday and Thursday. However...I'm not sure what's going to happen now, since we won't be in school until at least Wednesday, and they are calling for more snow on Thursday. I talked to my principal today about the situation, but because Conway only has one auditorium for the entire district, the only other open day was February 19th....sound familiar anyone? Yeah...we are supposed to be in Kansas on that day. Luckily I had already told my principal about that so when I reminded him of it I wasn't springing something new on him, but that's still frustrating as well. I don't think he will ask me to try to reschedule the meeting, but I'm still feeling the pressure anyway. I think we are still going to try to have it on Thursday and see if we can schedule any extra rehearsal time...but who knows if that will pan out or not. Luckily the kids have been doing pretty well, but they will have to read their lines off of cards because I doubt they can get them memorized in 2 days.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

SO much stress and worry on your heart! I am praying for God's peace to settle in your heart tonight, friend. I know this waiting must feel like eternity to you right now. Call me if you get restless and need to get out of the house! :)